We all know that money matters a lot and If we are put into a certain environment, we ultimately learn from it, so what is wrong in choosing a career based on the amount of money it offers? Anyway, whatever career it will be I will learn and get with it.
But When I say this I get a lot of resistance, judgement, and lectures from people, so can anyone please clarify once and for all
Yes,the earning potential of a job is very important,no doubt,but when we choose a career only based on the monetary gains it gives us, it will make us happy for some time but maybe not always.
We spend 1/3rd of our lives in our career, if we don’t enjoy what we do for a living,it would not make us happy and keep us satisfied.On the other hand, when we choose a profession which is in tune with our passion , interests and our personality, we will excel in that profession.
When we excel in a profession,it is not only easy to earn well out of it,but there would be a sense of achievement and you’d love your job.
If you’re focused on making money,why not make money in what you enjoy doing and are passionate about.
Also,at the beginning of a career , what you learn is more important than what you earn!
Once you learn the tricks of the trade,earning well out of it will not be a challenge.
Sri Kadali
I personally feel that it is “OK” to choose a career based on the pay scale. However, what has to be understood is that, the particular work that is chosen for the monetary facts will be only a job and nothing else.
On the other hand, if the chosen job can be made as “Calling,” which takes a lot of effort in itself to be made so, then yes you got a job which turned into a career and made a calling out of it and still the pay scale escalates and you are happy to an extent only.
To summarise on the whole, it can be said in the words of “Win some, Lose Some.”